〒108-0075 東京都港区港南2-16-2 太陽生命品川ビル28F
This is the permission given by the Minister of Justice when a foreigner with a status of residence wishes to change his / her status of residence to a "Permanent Resident".
Once you get this, you can become a "Permanent Resident".
Foreigners who have been granted a permanent residence permit, and there are no restrictions on the activities they can carry out in Japan or the length of time they can stay in Japan.
There are no restrictions on the type of work, working hours, or length of stay in Japan.
However, if you leave Japan and do not return to Japan within one year, or if you do not return to Japan by the re-entry permit deadline, your permanent residence status will be lost.
③ is required
①③ is required
Can't be a permanent resident
①②③ is required
Obey Japanese law and do not be criticized by society.
If a person who stayed in a "Dependent" obtained permission for activities outside the status of qualification, but worked 28 hours or more a week, it could be considered a violation.
This is determined on a household basis.
The following ABCD requirements must be met.
At least 5 out of 10 years must be based on status such as work qualification or Dependent.
However, there are two exceptions:
①Spouse of Japanese National or Permanent Resident
For example, the status of residence of a restaurant cook is "Engineer/ Specialist in Humanities/ International Services". The maximum is 5 years.
"Dependent" is also 5 years.
"Spouse or Child of Japanese Nationa" is also 5 years.
This overlaps with ①the foreign national's behavior is good