〒108-0075 東京都港区港南2-16-2 太陽生命品川ビル28F
申請に係る活動が虚偽でないこと (申請書類と客観的事情を総合的に判断)
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
(在留資格認定証明書)(Certificate of Eligibility)
第七条の二 法務大臣は、法務省令で定めるところにより、本邦に上陸しようとする外国人(本邦において別表第一の三の表の短期滞在の項の下欄に掲げる活動を行おうとする者を除く。)から、あらかじめ申請があつたときは、当該外国人が前条第一項第二号に掲げる条件に適合している旨の証明書(以下「在留資格認定証明書」という。)を交付することができる。
Article 7-2 (1) Upon receiving an advance application from a foreign national seeking to land in Japan (except for those who seek to engage in the activities set forth in the right-hand column corresponding to "Temporary Visitor" specified in Appended Table I (3)), the Minister of Justice, pursuant to the provisions of Ministry of Justice Order, may issue a certificate (hereinafter referred to as "certificate of eligibility") stating that the foreign national conforms to the conditions set forth in Article 7, paragraph (1), item (ii).
2 前項の申請は、当該外国人を受け入れようとする機関の職員その他の法務省令で定める者を代理人としてこれをすることができる。
(2) The application as set forth in the preceding paragraph may be made by a staff member of the organization that will accept the foreign national, or by other persons prescribed by the Ministry of Justice Order to act as an agent.
3 特定産業分野(別表第一の二の表の特定技能の項の下欄第一号に規定する特定産業分野をいう。以下この項及び第二十条第一項において同じ。)を所管する関係行政機関の長は、当該特定産業分野に係る分野別運用方針に基づき、当該特定産業分野において必要とされる人材が確保されたと認めるときは、法務大臣に対し、一時的に在留資格認定証明書の交付の停止の措置をとることを求めるものとする。
(3) If the head of the administrative organ with jurisdiction over the specified industrial field (meaning the "specified industrial fields" provided for in item (i) of the right-hand column under "Specified Skilled Worker" of the Appended Table I (2); hereinafter the same applies in this paragraph and Article 20, paragraph (1)) finds that the necessary human resources in a specified industrial field have been secured based on the field-specific operation policy pertaining to the specified industrial field, the head is to make a request to the Minister of Justice to take measures to temporarily suspend the issuance of certificates of eligibility.
4 法務大臣は、前項の規定による求めがあつたときは、分野別運用方針に基づき、一時的に在留資格認定証明書の交付の停止の措置をとるものとする。
(4) If a request has been made pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Justice is to take measures to temporarily suspend the issuance of certificates of eligibility based on the field-specific operation policy.
5 前二項の規定は、一時的に在留資格認定証明書の交付の停止の措置がとられた場合において、在留資格認定証明書の交付の再開の措置をとるときについて準用する。この場合において、第三項中「確保された」とあるのは「不足する」と、前二項中「ものとする」とあるのは「ことができる」と読み替えるものとする。
(5) The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to cases in which measures to recommence the issuance of certificates of eligibility are taken if measures to temporarily suspend the issuance of certificates of eligibility have been taken. In this case, the term "have been secured" in paragraph (3) is replaced with "are experiencing a shortage", and the term "is to" is replaced with "may" in the preceding two paragraphs.
Regulation for Enforcement of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
(在留資格認定証明書)(Certificate of Eligibility)
第六条の二 法第七条の二第一項の規定により在留資格認定証明書の交付を申請しようとする者は、別記第六号の三様式による申請書一通を地方出入国在留管理局に出頭して提出しなければならない。
Article 6-2 (1) A person who seeks to apply for the issuance of a certificate of eligibility pursuant to the provisions of Article 7-2, paragraph (1) of the Act must appear at a regional immigration services bureau and submit a written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 6-3.
2 前項の申請に当たつては、写真(申請の日前三月以内に撮影されたもので別表第三の二に定める要件を満たしたものとし、かつ、裏面に氏名を記入したものとする。第七条の二第四項、第七条の四第一項、第十九条の九第一項、第十九条の十第一項、第十九条の十一第一項、第十九条の十二第一項及び第二項、第二十条第二項、第二十一条第二項、第二十一条の三第三項(第二十一条の四第三項において準用する場合を含む。)、第二十二条第一項、第二十四条第二項、第二十五条第一項並びに第五十五条第一項において同じ。)一葉並びに当該外国人が本邦において行おうとする別表第三の中欄に掲げる活動に応じ、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる資料及びその他参考となるべき資料各一通を提出しなければならない。ただし、地方出入国在留管理局長がその資料の一部又は全部の提出を省略しても支障がないと認めるときは、この限りでない。
(2) When filing the application set forth in the preceding paragraph, the foreign national must submit a photograph (a photograph taken within three months prior to the date of the application which meets the requirements prescribed in the Appended Table III (2), and has the foreign national's name stated in the back; the same applies in Article 7-2, paragraph (4), Article 7-4, paragraph (1), Article 19-9, paragraph (1), Article 19-10, paragraph (1), Article 19-11, paragraph (1), Article 19-12, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 20, paragraph (2), Article 21, paragraph (2), Article 21-3, paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21-4, paragraph (3)), Article 22, paragraph (1), Article 24, paragraph (2), Article 25, paragraph (1) and Article 55, paragraph (1)), and a copy of each of the materials listed in the right-hand column of the Appended Table III corresponding to the activity listed in the middle column of the same Table in which the foreign national seeks to engage while in Japan, and a copy of each of any other materials to be used as a reference; provided, however, that this does not apply if the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds that there is no risk of causing hindrance if all or some of the materials to be submitted are omitted.
3 法第七条の二第二項に規定する代理人は、当該外国人が本邦において行おうとする別表第四の上欄に掲げる活動に応じ、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げる者とする。
(3) The agent prescribed in Article 7-2, paragraph (2) of the Act is a person listed in the right-hand column of the Appended Table IV that correspond to the activity listed in the left-hand column of the same Table in which the foreign national seeks to engage in Japan.
4 第一項の規定にかかわらず、地方出入国在留管理局長において相当と認める場合には、本邦にある外国人又は法第七条の二第二項に規定する代理人(以下「外国人等」という。)は、地方出入国在留管理局に出頭することを要しない。この場合においては、次の各号に掲げる者(第一号及び第二号については、当該外国人等から依頼を受けた者)が、当該外国人等に代わつて第一項に定める申請書並びに第二項に定める写真及び資料の提出を行うものとする。
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), a foreign national in Japan or the agent prescribed in Article 7-2, paragraph (2) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "foreign national, etc.") is not required to appear at a regional immigration services bureau in the event that the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds that it is reasonable. In this case, any of the persons listed in the following items (with respect to items (i) and (ii), only those requested by the foreign national, etc.) are to submit the written application provided for in paragraph (1) and the photograph and materials provided for in paragraph (2) on behalf of the foreign national, etc.:
一 外国人の円滑な受入れを図ることを目的とする公益社団法人又は公益財団法人の職員(以下「公益法人の職員」という。)若しくは法第二条の五第五項の契約により特定技能所属機関から適合一号特定技能外国人支援計画の全部の実施を委託された登録支援機関の職員(以下「登録支援機関の職員」という。)で、地方出入国在留管理局長が適当と認めるもの
(i) a staff member of a public interest incorporated association or foundation with the purpose of promoting smooth acceptance of foreign nationals (hereinafter referred to as a "staff member of a public interest corporation") or a staff member of a registered support organization entrusted by an organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker based on the contract under Article 2-5, paragraph (5) of the Act to carry out implementation of all of the support plan for specified skilled workers (i) (hereinafter referred to as "staff member of the registered support organization") and whom the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds appropriate; and
二 弁護士又は行政書士で所属する弁護士会又は行政書士会を経由してその所在地を管轄する地方出入国在留管理局長に届け出たもの
(ii) an attorney at law or administrative scrivener who has notified the director of the regional immigration services bureau exercising jurisdiction over the area where the bar association or the administrative scrivener association to which the attorney or the administrative scrivener belongs is located through the association; or
三 当該外国人の法定代理人
(iii) a legal representative of the foreign national.
5 第一項の申請があつた場合には、地方出入国在留管理局長は、当該申請を行つた者が、当該外国人が法第七条第一項第二号に掲げる上陸のための条件に適合していることを立証した場合に限り、在留資格認定証明書を交付するものとする。ただし、当該外国人が法第七条第一項第一号、第三号又は第四号に掲げる条件に適合しないことが明らかであるときは交付しないことができる。
(5) If the application set forth in paragraph (1) has been filed, the director of the regional immigration services bureau may issue a certificate of eligibility only in the case where the applicant has proved that the foreign national conforms to the conditions for landing listed in Article 7, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act; provided, however, that the director is not required to issue the certificate when it is clear that the foreign national does not conform to the condition listed in Article 7, paragraph (1), item (i), (iii) or (iv) of the Act.
6 在留資格認定証明書の様式は、別記第六号の四様式による。ただし、地方出入国在留管理局長において相当と認める場合には、別記第六号の五様式及び別記第六号の六様式によることができる。
(6) The format of a certificate of eligibility is to follow that of the Appended Form No. 6-4; provided, however, that it may be pursuant to Appended Forms No. 6-5 and No. 6-6 in the event that the director of the regional immigration services bureau finds it reasonable.