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Helpline for foreign languages

Helpline for foreign languages – 外国語による相談

外国語専門ライン- Helpline for foreign people

For consultation in foreign languages, please press 2 after the guidance.


The consultation hours for the Foreign Language Line are available from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. everyday.


* For consultation in foreign languages, please press 2 after the guidance.
* The consultation hours for the Foreign Language Line are available from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. everyday.


2021年 7月の対応言語のスケジュール
The language schedule for July 2021

全国ライン 0120-279-338
Nationwide (except Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures)
2021年 7月 July 2021
被災地ライン (岩手・宮城・福島県) 0120-279-226
in Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima prefecture
2021年 7月 July 2021

SNS相談  SNS consultation


You can also consult with us on Facebook Messenger.



  • 毎週木曜日16~22時:英語、ネパール語 + 日によって追加言語あり
  • 毎週金曜日16~22時:英語、ベトナム語 、タガログ語 、ネパール語 、インドネシア語
  • 毎週日曜日16~22時:英語、中国語、ベトナム語、ネパール語、インドネシア語(※第2、第4日曜日のみ対応)


  • Every Thursday from 4pm to 10pm: English, Nepali + additional languages depending on the day
  • Every Friday from 4pm to 10pm: English, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Nepali, Indonesian
  • Every Sunday from 4pm to 10pm: English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Nepali, Indonesian (only available on the 2nd and 4th Sundays)

For other languages, advance reservation is required. Please send us a message in your preferred language first.

For multilingual SNS consultation, please visit the following page.


10言語で対応 ~日本語でのコミュニケーションが難しい方のために
Available in 10 languages ~ For those who have difficulty communicating in Japanese

日本語で意思疎通を取ることが難しい方が、ご自身の第一言語を通じて思うままに気持ちや悩みを表現することができます。現在、英語English中国語Chinese韓国・朝鮮語Koreanタガログ語Tagalogポルトガル語Portugueseスペイン語Spanishタイ語Thaiベトナム語Vietnameseネパール語Nepali 、インドネシア語Indonesianの 10言語で相談できます。

Those who have difficulty communicating in Japanese can express their feelings and concerns as they wish through their first language.
We currently offer consultation in 10 languages EnglishChineseKoreanTagalogPortugueseSpanishThaiVietnameseNepali and Indonesian.
Please feel free to contact us as the other languages may be available.

We accept consultations specific to those who have connected to foreign countries.


There are many unique issues that foreign-born and foreign nationals tend to face, such as status of residence, visa, nationality, lifestyle, culture, religion, identity . In addition, are you worried about your family, life in Japan, work, money, discrimination, violence, domestic violence, human trafficking, etc.?
We will listen to you carefully, provide you with information you may need, and refer you to other professional organizations and institutions that can help you.
Confidentiality is assured.





