〒108-0075 東京都港区港南2-16-2 太陽生命品川ビル28F
技術・人文知識・国際業務 Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services | 本邦の公私の機関との契約に基づいて行う理学、工学その他の自然科学の分野若しくは法律学、経済学、社会学その他の人文科学の分野に属する技術若しくは知識を要する業務又は外国の文化に基盤を有する思考若しくは感受性を必要とする業務に従事する活動(一の表の教授の項、芸術の項及び報道の項の下欄に掲げる活動並びにこの表の経営・管理の項から教育の項まで、企業内転勤の項及び興行の項の下欄に掲げる活動を除く。) Activities to engage in services which require specialized skills or knowledge pertinent to the field of physical science, engineering or other natural science fields or to the field of jurisprudence, economics, sociology or other humanities fields or to engage in services which require specific ways of thinking or sensitivity acquired through experience with a foreign culture (except for the activities listed in the right-hand column of the "Professor", "Artist" and "Journalist" sections in Table (1), and the activities listed in the right-hand column of the "Business Manager" to "Instructor" sections, "Intra-company Transferee" and "Entertainer" sections in this Table) based on a contract entered into with a public or private organization in Japan. |
In other words, first you need a labor contract with a Japanese company.